Which website is right for you?

We don’t believe ‘one size fits all’. Every business is different… and so is every website we create.
Our sites are built to last. They can grow as your business grows. You don’t want to find your site is redundant next month just because you need to add a new feature.
Our modular approach means we get you online quickly with our proven paths and then upgrade your site in a structured way when you’re ready.
It’s useful if you know where you want to go – that helps us pick the right platform at the start. But you don’t need to do everything at once. We find it’s best to continuously develop your site, deploying small changes, frequently.
See our usual starting points below…

We Are : One

Our most popular site – a mobile, tablet-friendly and desktop-optimised site all in one. Great if you want an online brochure, portfolio or team profile. Since your : One site is modular, we can upgrade to : Connect or : Commerce later.

We Are : Connect

Want to transact with clients online? Perhaps adding online booking, live appointments or room reservations?
We Are : Connect adds these online elements to help you interact with new and existing clients the way they want to.

We Are : Commerce

Maybe you want to sell online?
A We Are : Commerce site typically puts your product catalogue online and lets customers buy and pay online. You’ll get a back-office to manage orders and we’ll integrate it with your accounting system.
We have partnered with We Are: Stirling, since the launch of our company in June 2016. James and the team have worked with us to produce high quality brochures, business cards and point of sale marketing collateral.  We continue to go back to them again and again because of their ease to work with and high quality products.

McQueen Gin

We Are : One
For beautiful websites

A mobile, tablet friendly and responsive website, all in one!
Your website is your shop window to the world. It’s an essential element of your brand identity and provides a vital opportunity to create the right impression before customers have even spoken to you.
Our popular We Are : One websites are ‘responsive’ – their ‘liquid layout’
adapts and reflows to suit any device. With more than half of visitors now browsing on their phone, a responsive mobile-friendly website will maximise the chances of engagement from potentials clients.
We specialise in building creative, beautiful, functional websites to take your business to the next level. We’re ready to build your next website and we’re here to help keep it fresh and continue performing.

Easy to edit

Your We Are : One website has a built-in content management system. Easily edit text and update images yourself, at no cost, as often as you like.

Search engine ready

Every We Are : One site is search-engine-ready as standard. Moving up search engine rankings needs consistency, skill and effort. Talk to us about the options.

Built to scale

We Are : One is built on strong foundations.
Our modular approach means we can scale your site and add functionality when you’re ready.
See We Are : Connect and We Are : Commerce.

We Are : Connect
For the service industry

Add online tools to transact with your existing customers and interact with new clients.
If you’re in the service industry, these days your clients expect to be able to interact with you online, in the same way they buy a cinema ticket or book an airline seat.
We Are : Connect adds the online elements to your website to connect your business to your clients. Whether it’s online bookings, reservations or making appointments, we make it easy for you and easier for your customers.

No hassle admin

A We Are : Connect site gives you an online application to manage, edit and cancel appointments and bookings.

System integration

Got an existing booking or reservation system? Talk to us about integrating it with your website.

We Are : Commerce
For online retail

Our ecommerce systems help you sell online and integrate with your store or EPOS system.
Navigating ecommerce can be tricky and expensive. Get it right and the rewards can be enormous. Get it wrong and you can blow a fortune.
For maximum flexibility, we could build a totally custom ecommerce site for you. Some of our sister brands run multi-million online businesses with sites we’ve built from scratch. You should budget £50,000 and up to get going and expect sizeable ongoing commitment.
The fastest route – chosen by lots of businesses – is to start from an existing ecommerce platform, customise it and extend it for your needs. That’s a proven path and will get you trading online in a fraction of the time, for a fraction of the cost.
Choosing the right platform is critical. To help us find the right one for you, we’ll need to understand what else you’re doing. What accounting package do you use? Does your site need to connect with an in-store EPOS system? Which carrier do you ship products with?
Talk to us about your plans and we’ll put together a proposal.

We Are : Concierge

Whatever you need, whenever you need it, we’re here for you.
Getting your site launched is just the beginning. To generate traffic, make the most from analytic tools and keep your site fresh requires commitment and a range of different skills. If you prefer, you can pay-as-you-go when you need us – ask for our rate card.
Or, with We Are : Concierge, our team is your team. Rather than paying by the hour to make small changes, or per incident for support, We Are : Concierge gives you priority access when you need us, for a low flat monthly retainer.
Tell us what you’d like assistance with and we’ll tailor a plan to suit. We Are : Concierge plans start at just £99/€125 per month and scale with you, as you need us. We’ll review your plan periodically to ensure we continue to deliver value.

Concierge : CARE

Maintaining, changing and updating your website is a key part of future proofing. We can help manage your site on an ongoing basis to make sure that it stays relevant and moves with the technological advances online.

Concierge : OPTIMISER

Everyone wants to be number one on Google. The starting point is all about having a well-structured site, with relevant content. With [OPTIMISER, our marketers will hep identify keywords and assess your content to maximise your chances of being ranked.

Concierge : MENTOR

Your site will be built on a popular platform and come with an admin area to manage it. We’re happy to recommend tutorials or books if you’d like to learn how to get the most from it yourself. Or, with [MENTOR, our trainers can provide one-to-one or group training, either at your premises or ours.
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Unit 36, Stirling Enterprise Park, Stirling  FK7 7RP